Stress is evil...plain and simple! And I am always on the lookout for different relaxation methods. I've actually tried several things, which have generally had favorable results: spinning...running...ditching my cell phone...each of these have been effective in the past, but I am always open to new things!
truth is that being a professional and dealing with the everyday ups
and downs of Corporate America usually brings unintended and unwanted
stress. Unfortunately, too much stress can have negative effects on your physical,
emotional, and mental health. For example, chronic stress can trigger
headaches, chest pain, and elevated blood pressure. Additionally, stress
can be attributed to insomnia and alcohol/substance abuse, as well as
physical aches and pains. And for professional women of child-bearing age, stress can also be a contributing factor in infertility.
to say, it is imperative that professional women find ways to avoid and
relieve the daily stress we encounter, both at home and in the work
place. As a constant seeker of stress-reduction methods, I was pleasantly surprised when I came across an article in the Huffington Post entitled "Stress-Reduction Tips From Around the World." I was all in! The article took a look at stress reduction methods from Sweden (taking a few coffee breaks), India (head massages), Japan (going shoeless at work), Finland (sweating it out in a sauna), and West Africa (dancing). The article is highly interesting, so in the interest of sharing I am passing it on to you! Do yourself a favor and check it out!